Data-driven Facility Layout Optimization
How can data-driven optimization of layouts be leveraged to reduce worker travel times?
This is one of the many innovative research projects that are part of the Sharehouse living lab projectApplications of real time data captured by the internet of things network

Mahdi Ghorashi, Ph.D. Candidate at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Mahdi will conduct the research.
Debjit Roy, Associate Professor of Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Supervisor of the project.
Rene de Koster, Professor of Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Supervisor of the project.
About this research
- The actual routes of workers inside the facility are captured using an internet of things network in this research.
- By considering workers’ routes, we attempt to account for `unanticipated worker movements’ (if essential), not just expected demand-based movements among the departments.
- Achieved insights on the dynamics of a real-world system that is obtained via this data acquisition can be used to enhance the efficiency of the system under the study.