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Haste makes waste

A VR experiment studying the impact of feedback on safety and productivity in warehouse driving

This is one of the many innovative research projects that are part of the Sharehouse living lab project


Mahsa Alirezaei: Ph.D. Candidate at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Mahsa will conduct the research and will collect and analyze data.

Jelle de Vries: Assistant Professor of Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Supervisor of the project

Rene de Koster: Professor of logistics and operations management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Supervisor of the project.


About this research

  • This research uses Virtual Reality (VR) to investigate the effect of safety and productivity audio feedback on the performance of reach truck drivers.
  • In this study, we will find out whether people with different individual characteristics react differently to the audio feedback.
  • The effectiveness of using VR as a tool paves the way for similar research approaches in the same domain.

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